How to know if I’m pregnant? First Symptoms of Pregnancy
Find out how to identify all the symptoms of pregnancy, in this article you won’t have any doubts!
Definitely, the human body is a “mystery,” especially women’s. Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman and even from one pregnancy to another in the same person. My mother used to say that each body is a “world apart!”
When we think of pregnancy symptoms, the absence of menstruation is the most remembered, but there are other important signs that gradually appear due to physical and hormonal changes. Many symptoms are similar to PMS, which can make them go unnoticed.
Therefore, in today’s article we will reveal the first symptoms of pregnancy, which will help you know whether you are pregnant or not. Be alert!
Delayed menstrual cycle
You will certainly agree with me that it is enough for our menstruation to be a few days late for our “alarms” to go off in the face of a possible pregnancy, especially if we had unprotected sex and were on our fertile days.
This occurs especially in women who have a regular menstrual cycle. Therefore, a few days’ delay could be a reason to start pulling your hair out.
However, it is also worth mentioning that other factors can cause delays in the menstrual cycle, such as medication use, contraceptive use, stress, hormonal disorders, among others. Therefore, only pregnancy tests allow us to confirm pregnancy in the event of a missed period.
Sensitive breasts and changes in areola color
During pregnancy, many women begin to feel increased sensitivity in their breasts. This typically occurs in the first few weeks after conception and may be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy.
Likewise, one of the most frequent changes in the breasts during pregnancy is the darkening of the areola (the region around the nipple). This change occurs due to the increase in melanin pigment, due to the hormonal changes that are happening in the woman’s body.
And it’s worth highlighting that in addition to normal darkening, the areola can also increase in size. This entire process indicates that the body is gradually preparing for breastfeeding.
Abdominal discomfort and bloating
Some women may experience a mild to moderate degree of abdominal discomfort in the first few weeks of pregnancy. It can range from a sensation of heaviness to mild pain and stinging.
The main cause of this is because the embryo implanted in the uterus begins to develop, making the pregnant woman feel some discomfort due to the dilation and stretching of the uterus.
Also, during pregnancy, there is a significant increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. This increase can also contribute to the feeling of bloating.

Excessive salivation
In my humble opinion this is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy. Some pregnant women report excessive salivation, also known as sialorrhea. This phenomenon is attributed to hormonal changes during pregnancy, which can impact the salivary glands, leading to increased saliva production.
Although it is not a common symptom, some women experience discomfort due to excessive salivation, which can be confused with dry mouth, another symptom reported during pregnancy.
In my case, during my first pregnancy, in addition to feeling this salivation all the time, I also felt a taste like iron in my mouth that didn’t go away with anything. But that only lasted the first few months of pregnancy, to my happiness!
Morning sickness and nausea
There is no escape from morning sickness and nausea! It is estimated that more than 90% of pregnant women are affected by these symptoms. This means that it is quite rare for a pregnant woman to not experience this during her pregnancy. And believe me, to this day science cannot find precise explanations for why this happens.
However, it is important to mention that, even though these are very common pregnancy symptoms, women should be aware if the episodes of vomiting that often accompany nausea cause weight loss or difficulty in carrying out their daily activities.
If this happens, it is recommended to undergo a medical evaluation, and if necessary, have treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Urinary frequency
Urinary frequency, or frequent urination, tends to occur quite frequently throughout pregnancy. As a woman’s body goes through several changes, the urinary system can also be affected. In the first weeks of pregnancy, blood flow to the kidneys increases by approximately 60%. As a consequence, urine production increases.
This symptom usually stabilizes after the 16th week of pregnancy, but as the months pass, the organs in the pelvic region begin to accommodate themselves to make room for the baby’s growth. Therefore, bladder capacity decreases and trips to the bathroom become more and more frequent.
When do pregnancy symptoms usually appear?
In general, symptoms of pregnancy begin to appear in the first few weeks after conception, and you may notice mild cramps or implantation bleeding.
Between the third and fourth week, symptoms such as menstrual delay, breast tenderness, fatigue and frequent urination may appear due to hormonal changes.
As the pregnancy progresses, around five to six weeks, morning sickness, nausea and food aversions may intensify. Therefore, the period of nine to twelve weeks marks a more solid confirmation of pregnancy, with possible changes in appetite, more visible veins due to increased blood volume and continuous symptoms such as morning sickness.
Remembering that the intensity and presence of pregnancy symptoms can vary from one woman to another. Some can even say that they are luckier and end up feeling practically nothing!
As you can see,Identifying the first symptoms of pregnancy is like deciphering a riddle, as each woman experiences these changes in a unique way and with different intensities.
A missed period is a common warning, but other signs, such as breast sensitivity, changes in the areola, abdominal discomfort, among others, also deserve attention.It is worth mentioning that, even if these signs are indicative, only a pregnancy test can definitively confirm the pregnancy.

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