Physical Activities during Pregnancy: Well-Being in Each Trimester - APPSTECHLAB

Physical Activities during Pregnancy: Well-Being in Each Trimester

Por: Stefany G.

Physical activities are essential for maintaining health and well-being during pregnancy.


Staying active can help with weight control and body preparation for childbirth. In this article, you will find tips on physical activities suitable for each trimester of pregnancy.

Regular physical activities offer many benefits for pregnant women, improving energy levels and promoting relaxation. Understanding which exercises are appropriate for each stage of pregnancy is essential for ensuring safe practice.

Before starting any physical activity routine, it is essential to consult your doctor to ensure that the chosen exercises are safe for your stage of pregnancy.


1. Benefits of Physical Activity During Pregnancy

Physical activities during pregnancy offer numerous benefits for both mother and baby.


Regular exercises help to improve circulation, increasing energy levels and overall well-being. Additionally, exercise can aid in healthy weight control, keeping the body prepared for childbirth.

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Another important point is the reduction of common discomforts, such as back pain and swelling, as the body better adapts to the natural changes of pregnancy. Light and regular exercises also contribute to emotional well-being, helping to reduce stress.

However, it is always important to perform physical activities appropriate to the pregnancy stage, ensuring that the body works safely and without overexertion.

2. Recommended Activities for Pregnant Women by Trimester

Choosing physical activities during pregnancy should be adjusted according to the months of pregnancy. Each trimester presents specific challenges and requires particular care.

See the suggestions below by trimester.

First Trimester

  • Walking: An excellent low-impact option that helps with circulation and weight control. Walking outdoors provides contact with nature and improves your mood.
  • Light stretching: Preparing the body for muscle and joint changes is essential.
  • Pilates: Strengthens the body’s muscles, improves posture and flexibility, as well as helping to control breathing.

Second Trimester

  • Water aerobics: Water provides lightness to movements, relieving joint pain and reducing swelling..
  • Yoga: Promotes relaxation, relieves stress and helps control anxiety. In addition to strengthening muscles and improving flexibility.
  • Stretches: They help with flexibility, relieve muscle tension and prepare the body for childbirth.

Third Trimester

  • Relaxation and meditation: Promote well-being and help prepare for childbirth
  • Swiss ball exercises: Strengthens the pelvic muscles and helps maintain balance.
  • Short walks: Maintaining movement is important, but time and intensity need to be reduced.

Physical Activities for Pregnant Women (Google Source)

3. Precautions Before and After Activities

It is important to note that before starting any physical activity routine, it is essential to consult your doctor to ensure that the chosen exercises are safe for the stage of pregnancy.

Additionally, it is fundamental to wear comfortable clothing and light clothing that allows perspiration and stay well hydrated before and after activities.

A good warm-up before any exercise is also crucial to avoid injuries.

At the end, stretching for a few minutes is important to help with muscle recovery and improve flexibility. After practicing physical activities, resting is equally important to allow the body to recover its energy.

If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop exercising and see your doctor.


Practicing regular physical activities during pregnancy brings numerous benefits to the health of the pregnant woman and her baby.

By strengthening the body, improving circulation and promoting well-being, exercise contributes to a calmer pregnancy and safer birth.

Listening to the body’s signals and avoiding overdoing it is key to maintaining a safe and effective exercise routine.

However, it is essential to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program, to ensure that the activities chosen are suitable for your physical condition and the stage of pregnancy.

Stefany G. author
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